Q & A with Dan Ketchum

Abby Folkerts, Feature Editor

After teaching 32 years, ELL teacher Danny Ketchum is ready to move on to the next step of his life. Ketchum; sad and heartbroken to leave the job he has poured his heart and soul into for many years, has decided to embark on a new journey- away from the school setting. Ketchum has visited 45 different countries, and with a passion for travelling, he is ready to explore what all the world has to offer. Ketchum has contributed so much to the ELL program, and to the East community in general.

1. What are some of your hobbies?

“I love to travel. I have a dog, and a cat. I love to take the dog to the dog park. I’ve been to 45 different countries. I’ve hit most of the countries from Mexico down to Chile and Argentina.”

2. Why did you decide to come and teach at East?

“I had been teaching at Central Campus for 25 years and they cut the program and sent the second year students to their home high schools to learn history, and that’s what I was teaching at the time.”

3. What have you learned about yourself?

“I learned that I could start myself over again, and make new friends, and new relationships with other adults and students.”

4. How would you describe your students?

“My students are from all different countries. I’ve lost track of how many countries that have been represented by the students that I’ve taught. I would imagine it’s been about 80 different countries that have been represented. The students come from all walks of life.”

5. What made you decide to retire?

“I would like to continue to teach for another year or two. But the administration downtown assigned me to another middle school. I didn’t want to start over at this point in my career. I have loved teaching here at East. It’s been a great experience.”

6. How do you feel you have contributed to East?

“I’ve always been active with the different parent groups. I’m able to translate for the parents when they come in. I shop and live in the East area, so my shopping is where everyone else is shopping.”

Mr. Dan Ketchum

7. What do you plan on doing during retirement?

“I will be doing more traveling. I will try and get those 45 countries up to 46 by the end of this summer, and more other areas of the world too. I will probably try and go back to ones I’ve been to in the past and try some new ones as well.”

8. What is going to be the hardest thing about leaving East? “Relationships with the people I have worked with for many years. I will still maintain contact with everyone but it will be difficult to wake up in August and not go to school for the first time in my life.”