Tips for students whose parents are divorced.

Emily Butler

Divorce is very common in the world. Maybe divorce is hard for young children to understand, but it can affect teenagers so much. The teenagers are old enough to understand what is going between their parents. Some teenagers are “mature” enough to take hard news well while others’ reaction may be mix of anger and sadness. Divorce can cause many problems for them.

Parents Problem:
It is common for parents to fight over custody of kids, even teenagers. It is stressful for them if their parents are going through a difficult divorce. Some teenagers are be unable to accept new changes from the divorce. Teenagers may blame one of their parents, even if they aren’t the one who messed up. Sometimes, teenagers may blame their younger siblings because they think they are the reason their parents wanted a divorce. There are many reasons why teenagers are frustrated with with parents during divorce.

Tips for teenagers who are new to being child of divorce:

Your new situation may be hard if your parents wanted to stop living with each other. There are good tips for you:

Discuss your future with your parents.

Have small chat with family members or close friend about your thoughts.

Take free time to do a hobby or hang out with close friends.

write your feelings out on diary or journal if you feel like you needed to do so.

Be honest with your own feelings.

You don’t need to make choices to make your parents happy.

If you have younger sibling(s) and they are upset about bad divorce, it may be good idea to keep them away from the drama until it is over.

Makes sure to take care of your health as well.

If you are really mad at both your parents, takes time off and stay with your family member for a while until you are ready to make choices.

The Facts about being a child of divorce:
50 percent of divorce children can end up suffer from depression or anxiety.

There are most likely chances Teenagers whose parents are divorced would drop out of high school.

If you wants to learn more about it, try or

Signs how divorce is affecting you:

1. Feeling of denial

2. Break rules or laws

3. Don’t feel happy for a long time

4. Taking your bad feelings out on someone

5. Social issues

6. Self harm

If you are struggle with throughts of self-harm, please talk to adults.

It is okay to let feelings out in good way.

You are not alone.