East High super hero squad.

Aiom Makier

Meet your East High campus monitor, and a coach for multiple sports, Keonte White. You’ve always seen him in the halls, maybe telling you to get to class, other then him yelling. He’s such a motivational person and a friend.

If you were a superhero, which one would you be and why?
“If I had my choice of being a superhero, I would definitely pick the Flash, “White said
“I love the fact that he can move fast, so fast that he would waste no time, “White said.
“If I had powers of the Flash I would never walk,” White said.
“I would always be on the go at a fast pace, I would use my powers for the good also,” White said.

If you could be that superhero during school, when would you use it?
“I would only use my powers in secret, No one will know it’s me only kind acts of goodness,” White said.

Meet your new eleventh grade counselor, last names H-O, Ryan Bracken. She’s a new woman in the building but she sure is one of the best. She’s a very busy lady, whose hardly in her office. But when you need her, she’ll save your day.

If you were a superhero, which one would you be and why?
“If I was a superhero, I would be Deadpool, because he’s funny and really cool, most people don’t like him, but he always ends up doing the right thing,” Bracken said.
What is your favorite scene from the movie?
“When Deadpool was on the bridge, waiting to fight all the bad guys. He was swinging his legs with no care in the world and he ends up kicking butt,” Bracken said.

If you could be that superhero during school, when would you use it?
“If I could use Deadpool’s super powers I would definitely use it at the beginning of the year, when there’s so much going on and have so many students wanting all kinds of different things and you’re trying to get as much done all at the same time.” Bracken said.

Meet your other campus monitor, one of the big guys at East High. You’ll hear him yelling in the halls or trying to recruit some players for his basketball team. Trent Smith is the head coach for the boys’ basketball team. You can see him pretty much anywhere in our building.

If you were a superhero, which one would you be and why?
“I would be wolverine because one he’s invisible and lives longer than the normal human,” Smith said.“He’s tough, super strength and super speed.” Smith said.

What is your favorite scene from the movie?
“Last scene of Logan, where he fights his clone and fights for the kids, he dies saving the kids,” Smith said.

If you could be that superhero for during school, when would you use it?
“When a fight happens or something on campus I could be there quicker and stop everything faster,” Smith said.