Breaking The Label

People are being labeled everyday. This is an issue that has caused problems for this generation. Making teens feel persured and forced into labels that don’t define them.

Terry Ramos

Imagine you’re walking around a big crowd and no one knows who you are. You have a sign on your forehead with a label on it. And everyone just knows you by your label, maybe sexuality, race, or cliques. And that label only scratches the surface of who you really are. So many people feel this way. Feeling like they have no way to remove that sign with the label. It’s so hard to show who you really are when people only see you as one thing.

The definition of label is “ a small piece of paper, fabric, plastic, or similar material attached to an object and giving information about it.” You are not an object someone can just put a label on. This generation has been divided into two different views on labels. Some people are forcing other people into a label and others are forcing themselves into labels. I believe labels are putting people in boxes that only society can comprehend.

If you are someone who is confused about their sexuality and is trying so hard to find a label for yourself, Don’t! Don’t try so hard. Take your time. You have your whole life ahead of you to completely understand everything, when the time is right the answer will come. Not only can’t people force labels on you, don’t force labels on to yourself. Some people are afraid to come out because they don’t just want to be remembered by their sexuality but as who they are as a person. And people who already are out, people would put them under stereotypes like gay people are all very feminine, loud, and into makeup. And lesbians being into sports and all of them have short hair and wear boy’s clothes. Guess what world? They are all people who have the same feelings and thoughts like all of us. We are not all different. Everyone can like what they like, or who they like without people just forcing them into stereotypes and labels.

You have no control over your race. You can change your religion, culture, or lifestyle but your race will always be your biggest label. It’s not something you can hide, it’s the first thing people see when they first meet you. Stereotyping races can come out offending them. Not all Asians are super smart. Not all Hispanics are illegal. And not all Muslims are terrorists.

“I have been stereotyped as the ‘typical Asian with small eyes’. It makes me feel more Asian but I don’t know if that’s good or bad,” sophomore Daren Nguyen said.

The basic labels and stereotypes are that cheerleaders are dumb and can only be girls. And football players are masculine and can only be a boy. Choir kids are feminine and theater kids are dramatic. And all emos cut and are suicidal. Theses are labels that has always been around because it’s what people expect.

“Of course, I have been called emo. It made me feel awkward and very uncomfortable,” sophomore Jessica Coos Hernandez said.

People labeling others will never stop. It’s like bullying, people will always bully, there is nothing we can do to make it completely go away, but we can help improve it. It will always be something we can’t change. I’m writing this so people can now double think when they see someone. I want people to know that what they see is not everything a person is.

“I feel like everyone labels other people, it’s a common thing that everyone does,” Nguyen said.