Q&A with new SIL Sherry Poole
October 21, 2016
If you’re looking for someone whose middle name is adventurous, East HIgh SChool has found your gal. East High’s new School Improvement Leader, Sherry Poole makes sure adventure is in her fun filled life from riding in Ragbrai for five years to hiking in canyons in Utah.
Q: Tell us about your history as an educator and what about your previous career helps you as a teacher?
A: First Poole was a police officer for 11 years. After being a police officer, Poole went back to school at Iowa State and has been in Education for 17 years. “It teaches you how to think on your feet and be comfortable in many situations,” Poole said.
Q: What do you do as a SIL(School Improvement Leader)?
A: Poole mainly helps set goals for the school year ahead of us. She also is there to help teachers, students, support staff, coaches, and hall monitors.
Q: What did you anticipate coming to east?
A: She knew East is a lot bigger than North HIgh School and we are pretty strong in sports. Poole really enjoys athletics so she was excited for that. “I was a little nervous having 2,400 students in the hallways,” Poole said.
Q:What advice would you give to students?
A: The most important advice Poole wanted to give to students was, “get connected to your school.”
Q: What do you do in your free time?
A: “I’m an old athlete at heart,” Poole said. Poole enjoys doing anything that includes being athletic. She enjoys running, hiking biking and much more.
Q: What do you want to do for East High?
A: “She is phenomenal at instuctional leadership,” Vice Principal Mrs. Ahrens said. Poole wants to work alongside teachers to try to find out how to improve test scores for students. She also wants to find out why students are getting suspended to try to eliminate those problems going on in the school.
Q:Who inspired you to be a teacher?
A: Poole’s father was her inspiration. He told her he wanted her to be whatever she wanted. Since she wanted to be a police officer and a teacher she decided to do both because her father had always told her to be what she wished.