Fun in the sun
How to land the summer job of your jobs

February 24, 2017
If you have nothing to do over the summer, you’re sick of air-conditioning, and are abnormally pale, look no further than the Bay, the best place to work as a lifeguard. Have you ever heard your parents tell you, “Chris, your hair is too long and you never do anything around the house, get a job”? Cause I know I have. Luckily for you, you’ve got a great option.. Adventureland/AdventureBay has one of the highest employment rates. Pretty much anyone and everyone who applies there, gets hired. Here are five benefits from working at the Bay.
1. Get some sun. One of the biggest pros of working at the Bay is the sun. Yes, the sun can be dangerous and give you skin cancer, but if you’re careful and apply several layers of sunscreen, you will get the coolest tan ever. Take for a example the picture above, look how tan am I! “My nose was sunburnt for like, two months after summer,” employee Cobey Myers said. It took me about two weeks to get that perfect penny bronze, but also keep in mind I already have a darker complexion than most so if you have a lighter complexion, it might take you a little longer.
2. Work with friends Something I hear a lot from people who don’t like their job is that their co workers suck. Not at the Bay! Like I said earlier, AdventureLand has one of the highest employment rates and if both you and your friend apply, both of you will most likely get the job. “I feel like I am more productive and feel incentivized to go to work more than just money,” employee Johnny Hill said. And if you apply as a lifeguard, AdventureLand will pay for your course, and if you pass it, you automatically get the job. And what’s better than working with your friends, getting paid a good hourly amount and getting a great tan? Nothing!
3. Having a cool boss Most employees at their jobs share one of many things they dislike, the boss. Sometimes the boss is annoying, or has really, really dumb rules that make absolutely no sense. At the Bay, the boss, Alex Bishop is the coolest person you’ll ever meet. Alex has been working at the waterpark for eight years. He’s super understanding and cooperative. If you need a day off and you ask for it within enough time, you’ll get the day. Just like how he’s really lenient, he’s also very professional. “I want people to work there because the more people who are there, the safer it is for everyone first and employee alike,” Bishop said. When it comes time to work and be serious, he’s there to lead you through.
4. Free admission What’s cooler than ice? Getting in for free Monday through Thursday and paying half price Friday through Sunday at the best amusement park in the state of Iowa! And not only that, you can also get your friends in for half the price of a regular ticket, which is normally $50. “I got in for free at the park”, employee Kaitlin Martin said. So pretty much the best deal you could possibly get. So go online and apply to be a lifeguard. More than likely, you’ll get the job.