Meet the scroll staff


scroll staffers celebrate spirit day of homecoming week

Dayanna Vinalay

The bell rings, first period has just ended. Your second period class is newspaper. As you turn into the class hallway, you see Mrs. Niemeyer standing by the door, she greets you good morning and welcomes you into the class. You look up at the board for today’s agenda and you head to your seat where you’re greeted by your friends.
In room 3060N, many amazing student writers work hard to put out the East High Scroll. They are called the scroll staff. Newspaper is held during second period. Newspaper currently has 22 staff members. These students are amazing writers, they must meet deadlines and get feedback from their peers. At the beginning of class, the staff do team builders and activities before starting class.
“It’s a good way to start and talk to people,” sophomore Gabe Cook said.
The Scroll staff puts out five issues throughout the school year. Every issue the scroll staff gets to choose their topic about what they want to write. The staff members are passionate about their design, they put all their time and focus onto their paper.
“I just like how really chill newspaper is, it’s like really relaxing, if you need support, you can always go to Mrs. Niemeyer, she is a really great teacher. Newspaper is like a mental break,” Moss said.
Mrs. Niemeyer inspires a lot of her students even students outside of newspaper. There is always nice and wholesome comments about Mrs. Niemeyer.

Kendall Moss

What is your favorite activity/team builder in newspaper?
“Shoutout Friday because it’s nice and wholesome, it’s a great way to encourage and motive people,” sophomore Kendall Moss said.
How do the activities/ team builder help you prepare for newspaper?
“Great way for motivation, I often get stressed and knowing people are supporting you is good,” Moss said.
After taking journalism what made you take newspaper?
“I wanted to have the freedom to write what I wanted, and I learned in journalism that you have freedom of speech completely, I wanted to write multiple things so that’s why I chose newspaper,” Moss said.

Kaylie Shannon

What is your favorite activity/team builder in newspaper?
“This or that it’s fun to have arguments about silly stuff,” sophomore Kaylie Shannon said.

How does the activities/ team builder help you prepare for newspaper?
“It helps to get to know my peers and build relationship with them,” Shannon said.
After taking journalism what made you take newspaper?
“Mrs. Niemeyer convinced me to join newspaper, I love Mrs. Niemeyer and the way she teaches, and I wanted to be with her all the time so that’s why I wanted to be in newspaper,” Shannon said.

Jaitreana White

What is your favorite activity/team builder in newspaper?
“The back-to-back drawing activity,” sophomore Jaitreana White said.
How does the activities/ team builder help you prepare for newspaper?
“It mentally helps me become awake since newspaper class is second period, it also gets me mentally active,” White said.
After taking journalism what made you take newspaper ?
“I really like the teacher and just the aurora of the classroom, it is a really relaxing space and thats why i wanted to continue in newspaper.” White said.

Paul Sleeth

What is your favorite activity/team builder in newspaper?

“Throwing the ball around and answering to what is written on the ball,” sophomore Sleeth said.
How does the activities/ team builder help you prepare for newspaper?
“It makes me feel connected to the people around me,” Sleeth said.
After taking journalism what made you take newspaper?
“I was really good with design in journalism, I really enjoyed doing it and i just thought it would be nice to do it in newspaper,” Sleeth said.



