Viking Berry
The Viking Berry is the second of the new flavors of 2025 and it is on the juice line along with pipeline punch. The Monster website does not have any information on it yet because it was just dropped recently, but I would describe the flavor as a traditional mixed berry. It lives up to its name and I love it. Its not too strong and you can taste mostly raspberry. This one gets a five out of five for me because it is just so tasty and fruity, I could see myself drinking this one a lot. If you love berry flavored things, this is a perfect recommendation.
Pipeline Punch
Pipeline’s flavor is labeled as passion fruit, orange, and guava. It is a part of the juice line where it is the signature monster mixed with fruit juice. It isn’t the traditional fruit punch flavor, but it is very good. If you want an actual fruit punch flavor you should go for Pacific Punch but Pipeline is an easy contender and a favorite for me. I would rate it a five out of five since I love any type of fruit punch.
Orange Dreamcicle
The Orange Dreamcicle is definitely a favorite of mine. It is labeled as monster energy with creamy orange sherbet and it lives up to its name. It’s apart of the original monster line, called Reserve, and I would recommend this to anyone. Its got a great creamy taste with a nice subtle orange flavor. Its almost like a dessert in your mouth and is a top favorite of mine. I give this one a four and a half out of five stars. Any good dessert loving person would really enjoy this one.
Salted Caramel Java
The salted caramel java Monster is labeled as being sweet and savory salted caramel and like the name suggests, a part of the java line. It has the signature monster energy paired with coffee along with 160 mg of caffeine per can. I was a little skeptical considering Monster is usually just known as an energy drink brand and hearing they made coffee was a little off putting but I was pleasantly surprised with the flavor. Its got a good coffee flavor and reminds me of the cold coffee’s that Starbucks sells. I would give this one a four and a half out of five. It’s a good flavor, but I would go with an actual coffee brand for my dose of caffeine.
Ultra Blue Hawaiian
The blue Hawaiian flavor is one of two new flavors as of 2025 and is a part of the ultra line, widely known for being sugar free. The flavor is listed as a light and easy-drinking tropical blend and I associate it with tasting almost similar to the white monster which is citrus. Blue Hawaiian has a pineapple-ish flavor and actually left me quite disappointed as I was expecting it to be more fruity flavored, but it i
s still a tasty choice. I would give this one a three and a half out of five just because I wished for it to be fruitier. If you enjoy something not too fruity, this is a perfect flavor for you.
Ultra Sunrise
Ultra Sunrise is apart of the ultra line, as given by the name. The flavor profile of this one is light and crisp citrus and orange, I always associate it with orange juice though. It is a very orangey flavor and would be great to drink in the morning. I’ll be honest, the one I drank had a little bit of a chemically taste but it could have been my taste buds. Being a big orange fan means that this monster may definitely be your favorite. I give it a three out of five because I’m not the biggest fan of orange but I definitely would drink this one again.
Ultra Fantasy Ruby Red
Ultra fantasy ruby red is labeled as fresh pink pamplemousse flavored (pamplemousse is a pomelo fruit). It is on the Ultra line. At first when I was drinking this one, it didn’t have much of a taste. It tasted like the original flavor with very little flavor actually coming from it. The longer I drank, the more flavor I got and it ended having an orangey flavor. Its meant to be not too sweet and not too tart and I think it hit that flavor perfectly. I would rate the ruby red a two and a half out of five because I personally really disliked it, but I think those who want to stick to the original monster flavor closely would really want to drink this one.
Original Green
The original green monster is as it says, original. The monster website lists the flavor as sweet and salty, tasting just like monster and I have to agree. I really dislike the original flavor. It just doesn’t hit the way I like drinks to. If you were to ask me to describe the flavor of the original, I wouldn’t be able to. I have no clue what it tastes like and I sadly do not like this flavor. I give this a one out of five because I cannot give it a zero. Just because this isn’t the flavor I like doesn’t mean you wouldn’t, however. I recommend trying all the flavors to find the perfect monster for you.