East high regrets

What do East High seniors most regret doing and not doing in their high school years? Their responds can help high school students leave high school with no regrets and feeling like they lived up to their years.

Terry Ramos

“I regret not being so outgoing freshmen year and my style I feel like I was too shy to be myself but now I changed” – Leslie Tiengkham

“I regret not taking more AP classes and I wish I would have done that. And not being more involved because I felt like I wasn’t as involved as some people were” – Hardik Karla

“Not taking theatre classes and not being in the school’s plays and musicals I always wanted to be in those things and I don’t know why I didn’t go for it.” – Marie Demuth

“Not playing more sports. I only played one sport and that was in freshmen year and I feel like I regret not going out and actually doing it” – Rico Field